Thara Vayali

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“Tame your reactions” you spit.

“Know your place” you hiss.

You expect that I hold no memory. 

I* have learned to develop gratitude for dropped charges. 

I have been taught to bow down.

Because that’s what a good citizen does. 

Demonstrations of your power are painful.

Our pain must be swallowed. 

The good ones develop diabetes. 

The bad ones get a record. 

Either way, you still say we are the culprits of our own destruction. 

The crime and disease are a result of a weakness in our character. 

This is your big mistake.

Our bodies are piling.

Make no mistake, this is killing us.


our coping has given us skills that will take you generations to learn.

Many of us die because of you, but we will survive you.

Remember that. 

You have no idea that we are stronger, not weaker because of our “risks”.

Or perhaps you know that deep inside and that’s why you keep clinging to your power. 

You can take your risk predictions and your artificial intelligence and go soothe your frightened psyche, because you know.

You know that these numbers are just the long drink you take at the end of the day to fool yourself in your dominance.

Praise, brother not shame.

*This is not representative. This is not me. This is how I work through the heartache of what I see.